Denco Only One file Case
22 August 2024
Pro-flexi Files Mastering Complex Root Canals
22 August 2024

Advanced Root Canal Treatment with Denco Pro Flexi Gold

Cases from Dr. Armin Okié

Root canal therapy is a crucial dental procedure that demands precision and expertise to ensure long-term oral health. Dr. Armin Okić, a renowned en dodontist, recently detailed a complex root canal treatment case where he effectively utilized Denco's Pro Flexi Gold files, showcasing their efficiency and reliability.

Case Overview:

(Treating a Symptomatic Upper Left First Molar)

A female patient visited Dr. Okić's office, complaining of severe pain in her upper left first molar. After diagnosing symptomatic irreversible pulpitis, Dr. Okić proceeded to remove the old amalgam filling and created an access cavity. Upon examination, he discovered four canals, which he checked for patency using a manual K file size 10.

 Endodontic Therapy Procedure

The endodontic therapy was performed using a combination of Denco rotary files and Pro Flexi Gold files. Dr. Okić meticulously shaped the canals, finishing with a 30/04 file in the palatal canal and 25/04 files in the distobuccal and two mesiobuccal canals. This precise shaping is crucial for ensuring that the canals are adequately prepared for the subsequent cleaning and filling processes.

Irrigation and Activation

Following the shaping, thorough irrigation was carried out using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% EDTA. The irrigation process was enhanced with the Denco endo activator, ensuring the removal of debris and effective disinfection of the root canals. This step is vital to prevent future infections and to create a clean environment for the root canal filling.

Root Canal Filling

The root canals were then filled with Denco guttapercha, using 30/04 and 25/04 sizes, applying the monocone technique. This method ensures a tight seal within the canals, which is essential for the long-term success of the root canal therapy by preventing bacterial re-entry and future complications.

Restoration of the Tooth

Finally, the treated tooth was restored using high-quality restorative materials. This restoration is critical to restore the tooth's function and appearance, ensuring it can withstand normal biting forces and integrate seamlessly with the patient's natural dentition.


Dr. Armin Okić's case study highlights the importance of using advanced tools like Denco's Pro Flexi Gold files in root canal therapy. His meticulous approach and the use of innovative endodontic instruments demonstrate how modern technology can enhance the effectiveness and outcomes of dental treatments.

The precision and reliability of Denco's Pro Flexi Gold files, combined with thorough irrigation and proper canal filling techniques, ensure successful root canal therapy. This case reinforces the need for continual advancements in endodontic tools and techniques to provide patients with the best possible care and outcomes.

By sharing this detailed case study, Dr. Okić not only underscores the efficacy of Denco products but also contributes to the broader dental community's understanding of advanced root canal treatment practices. As dental professionals continue to adopt and refine these techniques, patients can look forward to improved treatment experiences and long-term dental health.

Cases from Dr. Ammar Abdoh lbrahim

With Denco’s Pro-Flexi Files: A Case Report by Dr. Ammar Ibrahim


Root canal treatments are crucial for saving teeth affected by severe decay or infection. One of the most challenging aspects of these procedures is ensuring complete removal of infected tissue and preventing future complications. Denco's Pro-Flexi Files have proven to be an essential tool in achieving successful outcomes in endodontic treatments. In a recent case, Dr. Ammar Ibrahim from Saudi Arabia shared his experience using Denco’s Pro-Flexi Files, demonstrating their effectiveness in treating a complex case of chronic periapical abscess.

Patient Background

The patient, a 26-year-old female, presented with severe pain and swelling in the lower right side of her face. The pain extended to her ear, neck, and jaw, accompanied by symptoms such as a throbbing toothache, fever, bad breath (halitosis), swollen lymph nodes, and facial swelling. These symptoms indicated a significant infection, leading to the diagnosis of a chronic periapical abscess affecting teeth #46 and #47.

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Upon examination, a peri-apical and panoramic X-ray confirmed the diagnosis. Dr. Ibrahim determined that root canal treatment was necessary to address the infection and alleviate the patient’s symptoms.


First Visit:

  1. Access and Cleaning:

   - Teeth #46 and #47 were opened to gain access to the root canals.

   - The working length was determined, followed by thorough irrigation to remove debris and bacteria.

   - Intracanal medicament was applied, and the teeth were temporarily filled to protect them between visits.

  1. Cleaning & Shaping:

   - K File no. 10 (Denco): This was used initially to negotiate the canal and establish glide paths.

   - Pro-Flexi Files (Denco) - Niti Heat Activation:

   - For the coronal third, the treatment started with a opening file length of 19 mm, with a size of 0.1/0.9.

   - For the mesial canals, files with a taper of 0.4, length of 25 mm, and sizes ranging from 10-35 were used.

   - For the distal canal, files with a taper of 0.6, length of 25 mm, and size 50 were utilized.

  1. Irrigation Protocol:

   - Sodium hypochlorite 5.25% was used for 35 minutes, followed by activation with the Emate Activator EA-9.

   - The canals were then washed with normal saline and further irrigated with chlorhexidine solution 2%.

   - The process was repeated to ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection.

  1. Intracanal Medicament:

   - Calcium hydroxide paste was applied for 7 days to continue the disinfection process.

Second Visit:

  1. Irrigation Protocol:

   - The canals were irrigated using the same protocol as the first visit, including sodium hypochlorite, saline, EDTA solution, and chlorhexidine, activated by the Emate Activator EA-9.

  1. Obturation:

   - The canals were obturated using Sealer and Cuttapercha points (Denco).

   - The teeth were then built up to restore their structural integrity, with tooth #46 receiving a full zirconia crown.


A follow-up appointment is scheduled for August 2024. The initial results are promising, with a great healing process observed so far. The patient reported significant relief from symptoms, and the treated teeth are expected to remain healthy and functional.


Dr. Ammar Ibrahim’s case report highlights the effectiveness of Denco’s Pro-Flexi Files in managing a complex root canal treatment. The combination of innovative file design and a meticulous treatment approach ensured a successful outcome for the patient. This case serves as a testament to the importance of using high-quality endodontic instruments in achieving optimal results in dental treatments.

By sharing such success stories, we can continue to advance the field of endodontics and ensure that more patients receive the best possible care.

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