IDEC Yemen 2024
5 September 2024
Denco Dentech china 2024
25 October 2024

Application examples of DR-FILES

Cases from Dr. Andres Mena Rodriguez

A young male patient (24 years old) with significal pain in his upper left molar (2.6) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “lfeel pain when l drink hot and cold meals”


     lrreversible pulpitis

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 35.04 in buccal canals and 40.04 in the palatal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco Endo activator was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (35.04-40.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

A young male patient (22 years old) with significal pain in his upper rigth molar (1.6) with no significant familial medical history.


    “I feel pain interrupting me during sleep, the pain increased when l touch my tooth”


    Pulp necrosis.

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system,until 30.04 in mesio buccal canals, 35.04 in disto buccal canal and 40.04 in the palatal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco Endo activator was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (30.04-35.04-40.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

A female patient (36 years old) with significal pain in her lower left molars (3.6-3.7) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “l feel pain which increased on chewing cold meals”


    lrreversible pulpitis.


  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 30.04 in mesial canals and 35.04 in distal canals , along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco Endo activator was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (30.04-35.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

A male patient (52 years old) with significal pain in his lower rigth bicusid (4.4) with no significant familial medical history.


     “My dentist cut my bridge and told me that l need a root canal


    lrreversible pulpitis.

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system,until 30.04 in lingual canal and 35.04 in bucal canal , along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco Endo activator was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (30.04-35.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

A female patient (59 years old) with significal pain in her lower left molar (3.8) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “l feel pain when I bite and drink coldsub stances'


     lrreversible pulpitis

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 30.04 in the mesio buccal canals and 35.04 in the distal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco endo activator was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (30.04-35.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

Products related to the above treatment cases

A male patient (53 years old) with sinus tract in his upper rigth bicuspid (1.4) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “l feel a little ballin mygum”.


     Pulp necrosis (chronic periapical periodontitis)

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. Three canal was located ( two bucals-one palatal) a manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  1. Shaping the canals: The root canals shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 30.04 in buccal canals and 40.04 in the palatal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Ultra Max activator was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Interim medication: Calcium hydroxide was placed in all canals for one week.
  2. Second visit / Obturation: Upon the patient return (with sinus tract closed) a copius irrigation and activation with Ultra Max was performed to remove calcium hydroxide and the canals were obtured using Gutta Percha points (30.04-40.04) and vertical condensation with AH-Plus.

A female patient (41 years old) with significal pain in her upper rigth bicuspid (1.4) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “l feel pain when l bite with my right side’


    Pulp necrosis.

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 35.04 in the buccal canal and 35.04 in the palatal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The DencoUltra Max was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (35.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.The bicuspid was restored with a crown and 2 years later returned to do a follow up.

A female patient (63 years old) with significal pain in her upper rigth molar (1.6) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “I feel pain when l bite with my right side”


    Pulp necrosis.

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 35.04 in the buccal canals and 40.04 in the palatal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco Ultra Max was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (35.04-40.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

A male patient (46 years old) with significal pain in his upper rigth bicuspid (1.5) with no significant familial medical history.

Chief complaint:

    “I feel pain when l bite with my right side and during the night”


    Pulp necrosis.

  1. Initial assessment: An Access cavity was created and locating the canals. A manual k-File #8 was used to measure the working length using Apex-S.
  2. Shaping the canals: The root canal shaping was performed using the DencoDoctor-files system, until 35.04 in the buccal canal and 40.04 in the palatal canal, along with copious irrigation with 4% NaOCl. The Denco Ultra Max was employed to enhance the irrigation process.
  1. Obturation: When biomechanical preparation was completed the canals were dried with paper points and obturated with Gutta Percha points (35.04-40.04) using vertical condensation and AHPlus.

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